The programme for the AGS 2022 Conference can be found here:

Abstracts for the presentations at the AGS 2022 Conference can be found here:

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FAO postgrads and early career academics

The University of Nottingham has a number of bursaries available, of £120, to be awarded to postgraduates and early career academics, or those without an income, or otherwise in need for financial support, to enable them to attend the AGS conference. Preference will be given to early career academics who are presenting a paper or organizing a panel, and thereafter to other early career academics. The bursary of £120 covers the cost of the conference fee for AGS members (£100) or non-members (£120), which includes lunches and dinners. Note the conference fee does not include accommodation – cheapest rooms are £90 for the two nights in Rutland Hall, but with limited availability. 

To apply for a bursary, please fill out this form by June 15th. If you are an early career academic and the cost of accommodation is a barrier to attending the conference, even with the bursary, please indicate that on the form. We may be able to help you find a place to stay. The deadline for applications is June 15thAny applications received after this date will still be considered, if funding remains available.

Remote attendance

If you would like to attend the AGS conference remotely, please register your interest with name, affiliation and email address at . There is no fee for remote attendance, but you must be a current member of the AGS in order to participate. Links for remote participation will only be shared with current members

Call for Papers

AGS at 90: AGS Conference at the University of Nottingham, 5-7 September 2022 Deadline for Abstracts: Friday, 1 April, 2022

We invite abstracts for papers to be presented at the 90th Conference of the Association for German Studies will take place at the University of Nottingham, September 5-7, 2022. Papers are welcome under any of the panels listed below. If you are interested in contributing a paper to any of the panels below, please send your abstract directly to the email address of the relevant convenor listed below. Abstracts should be max. 250 words and should reach the relevant convenors by Friday, 1 April, 2022.

We may also have space to accommodate a small number of papers not aligned to any of the panels below. If you would like to submit a paper directly, please email Rachel MagShamhráin (r.magshamhrain[at] with your abstract (max. 250 words) by 1 April, 2022.

Note: We are planning for the conference to take place in person. We will, however, make every effort to accommodate colleagues who wish to present at the conference and who are unable to travel for compelling reasons. If circumstances change, we will of course revert to an online format. If you are only able to present remotely, please indicate this when you submit your abstract.

In addition to the panels below, the conference programme also includes a reflection on “The Association for German Studies at 90”, as well as a sessions for Early Career Academics and a schools networking session. As our President’s Guest, we will welcome Ulrike Almut Sandig, whose poetry, prose, performances, pop music albums and radio pieces have established her as an important voice in German literature and culture. Readings by Sandig will be woven into conversation with Prof. Karen Leeder (Oxford).

The following panels invite contributions:

German Linguistics (any area). Convenor: Melani Schroeter (m.schroeter[at] )
The linguistics standing panel at the AGS welcomes papers on any aspect of German and Germanic linguistics, including comparative studies and translation studies. Papers may deal with diachronic linguistics or trends in current usage, second language acquisition, language policy, sociolinguistics and (critical) discourse analysis. A range of contributions is welcomed, those with a more theoretical and conceptual angle as well as those based on empirical research. A range of methodological approaches within empirical linguistic analysis is equally embraced.

Medieval studies. Convenor: Sarah Bowden (sarah.bowden[at] )
This panel invites papers on all aspects of medieval and early modern culture: its literature, material culture, history and thought. The panel warmly welcomes comparative perspectives and work connecting this period to others.

Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture Convenor: Joanna Raisbeck (joanna.raisbeck[at] )
Papers are invited on all aspects of long eighteenth-culture culture, including literature, visual culture, history, and thought. Particularly welcome are papers that offer new and innovative approaches to eighteenth-century literature and culture (such as the use of digital humanities, the ‘transnational’ or global eighteenth century, expanding the corpus of ‘known’ writers and intellectual figures of the period).

Nineteenth and early Twentieth-Century Studies Convenor: Margit Dirscherl (margit.dirscherl[at] )
Papers are invited on any aspect of the culture of German-speaking countries in the nineteenth century and earlier decades of the twentieth century (up to about 1930), including literature, theatre, visual and musical culture and thought.

Deutsch als Fremdsprache / Language Teaching Practices in German Departments, especially viewed in light of Languages for all and teaching German ab initio. Convenor: Ulrike Bavendiek (U.Bavendiek[at] )
This panel aims to highlight recent developments and trends in teaching German as a foreign language in Higher Education, as well as its position within German Studies in the UK. Papers on any aspect of German as a foreign language are welcome, but this year, we particularly welcome contributions reflecting on two developments: 1. The opportunity for students to learn German in Institution-Wide Language Programmes and Languages for All settings, which in many universities now exist alongside German degree courses, allows a diversification in language teaching content and methods. What are the specific attributes and interests of German degree students? Which linguistic skills and competences are needed to meet content objectives? How can we address these needs and requirements in our language teaching practices? 2. The introduction of ab initio German in most departments makes the above questions especially pertinent. How can language teachers enable beginners to engage fully with other German Studies content and the year abroad, while at the same time develop their overall language proficiency? In addition, unlike IWLP learners, degree students starting at A1 level are required to achieve a C1 level in the CEFR in only four years. Such fast-track language teaching requires skill, determination and motivation from both teachers and students. What can department leaders and colleagues do to support ab initio students and teachers? Papers addressing the above issues are invited from both research active staff and language teachers.

German Studies and/in Health & Medical Humanities. Convenor: Heike Bartel (heike.bartel[at]
The relatively new (inter)discipline of Health/Medical Humanities is gaining more and more recognition as a specific and impactful research area that engages a variety of disciplines and perspectives bridging arts & humanities and science. In comparison to the Anglo-American context, the potential and challenges of Health/Medical Humanities in German Studies are relatively under researched. The proposed panel invites individual papers that explore aspects of the wide field of health, illness, healthcare, trauma and recovery in any era as part of German Studies. Proposals for papers focusing on literature, language, culture, politics, philosophy and/or history are most welcome. A systematic link to the discipline of Health/Medical Humanities would be useful but is not essential. Amongst other lines of thought, this panel will consider the contribution German Studies can make to Health/Medical Humanities.

The history of teaching and learning German in the UK and beyond. Convenor: Catherine Mason (catherineemason[at] ) and Nicola McLelland (Nicola.mclelland[at] )
Papers are invited on any aspect of the history of teaching and learning German, or on the history of German Studies, whether in the UK, Ireland, or beyond.

The young and the old in the 18th and 19th centuries. Convenors: Charlotte Lee (cll38[at] ), Keven Hilliard (kevin.hilliard[at] ) and Astrid Koehler (a.kohler[at]
This panel, sponsored by the English Goethe Society, will consider conceptions of youth and age in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Both phases are times of vulnerability, and yet both also offer perspectives from which the rest of society stands to benefit. Directions for papers could include depictions of children and/or the old in literature; developments in societal attitudes towards these groups; the implications of age for artistic style; or related notions such as birth, growth, grief etc. Contributors may wish to take the two ends of life together, or to focus on one. We will aim to publish contributions in a themed issue of Publications of the English Goethe Society. We welcome contributions from postgraduate students as well as postholders, and the EGS will cover travel costs up to £200 for any graduate student unable to get funding from their institution.

Autobiographical Texts. Convenors: Ute Hirsekorn (Ute.Hirsekorn[at] and Sara Jones (s.jones.1[at] )
Autobiographical texts (life writing, literature, oral history, social media, online-ego documents, photography etc., verbal or non-verbal) throughout history have been a longstanding topic of inquiry in German Studies and beyond. This panel invites individual papers that explore aspects of this field. No systematic link to Memory Studies is required but this panel will aim to include discussions about autobiographical texts and/in Memory Studies in addition to other lines of thought, e.g. (re)defining the genre, challenges for the genre, and the special contribution that German Studies can make to research across the disciplines.

Teaching and Researching Adaptation. (NB: this panel will take place in hybrid form). Convenor: Julian Preece (j.e.preece[at] ), Debbie Pinfold (Debbie.Pinfold[at]
German literature, whether classic, popular or contemporary, has always provided a rich source for film-makers, whether national, international or trans-national. This long tradition of intermediation gives teachers and researchers an immensely rich corpus to explore the adaptation history of genres, authors, and texts across decades and political regimes, borders and languages. Our panel invites contributions which explore individual book/film pairings or wider topics in literary adaptation, either from a research or teaching perspective.

German Film and Screen Media. Convenors: Dora Osborne (do38[at] ) and Katya Krylova (katya.krylova[at]
The German Screen Studies Network (GSSN) invites papers for a special panel on any topic relating to German film and/or screen media broadly understood (including work connected to Austrian and Switzerland). Please send a short abstract (250 words) and bio to the organisers Dr Dora Osborne (do38[at] and Dr Katya Krylova (katya.krylova[at]

Cultural crossings: transition, translocation and transformation. Convenor: Caroline Summers (C.Summers[at] )
Papers are invited that address the ways in which German-speaking cultures have been challenged and redefined by processes of transition, translocation and transformation and their presence in the cultural imagination. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome. he panel aims explore diverse forms of ‘crossing’ in German-speaking culture. Whether it is in traversing geographical and mental boundaries, or in the intersection of diverse identities and experiences, acts and spaces of ‘crossing’ are integral to the continuing evolution of our sense of self. These processes of transition, translocation and transformation are inherently creative, and as such can present a challenge to established structures.
Papers are invited that address the ways in which German-speaking cultures have been challenged and redefined by processes of transition, translocation and transformation and their presence in the cultural imagination. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome.