Why is the survey being conducted?
The survey is being conducted is to ascertain the experiences, needs, expectations, and interests of our members. Just like a national census, this survey is being conducted to determine what the composition of the society is and identify areas where future resources can be invested.
Why are there so many questions about my identity?
Just like the communities we call home, the members of WIGS/AGS represent a wide range of identities and experiences. We are, for example, Afro-Caribbean, Asian Canadian, Austrian, and East Indian, Lesbian, Bisexual, recently retired, and finally habilitiert, caregivers, jobseekers, differently abled, single parents with four children. We are keen to understand who we serve well with the events and support we offer, and where we could do better.
Why are spending time asking questions about Diversity? The WIGS and AGS were designed to support German Studies, right?
Both WIGS and the AGS were founded to support German Studies, and part of that mission includes ensuring that we represent and support German Studies as practised by people of all backgrounds and experiences. Along with our continuing commitment to promoting German Studies, this survey is designed to gather information about both the diversity of our members and their scholarly interests. This information will provide important insights into modern German Studies and contemporary GermanistInnen.
What if I feel uncomfortable answering some of the questions in the survey?
No problem! It is normal for people to differ in the types of information they feel comfortable in disclosing. We have therefore included the option “I prefer not to answer” for all of the identity questions. So, instead of skipping the survey all together, you can answer those questions you feel comfortable and let us know which questions you prefer not to answer.
What about confidentiality?
Respondent privacy was our highest priority in designing and constructing this survey. The survey is completely anonymous.
What if I have more questions?
More questions and answers about the survey can be found on both the WIGS and AGS website. Have other questions? Simply drop us a line. Our primary contact for the survey is WIGS Diversity and Inclusivity Officer, Professor I. M. Nick (mai.yaz@web.de).